In Memory

Nicky Bowman

Nicky Bowman

Nicky Bowman passed away on April 27, 2010 in Memphis Tennessee.

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11/18/10 06:02 PM #1    

Lisa McGill (Miller)

I hope Nicky didn't die of "lead poison".  When we were in grammar school he tried to give me the "cooties" so I stabbed him with a pencil.  Years later he showed me the mark it left.  He had the cutest smile.

01/21/11 03:56 PM #2    

Christel Walls (Preston)

I remember Nicky always smiling and he never meet a stranger. It didn't matter who you were he would always talk to you. He will be missed.

03/24/11 08:18 PM #3    

Joe Holloway

 I truly regret not being able to see Nicky again. He and I were of the same stature, and when in the early days of high school often for kicks we would trade shoes...I guess we were bored... lol. He was a good friend during those years when the "short guys" needed a lot of support.

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